Audio Tour-(11) Volcanic breccia

(11) Volcanic breccia


Volcanic breccia refers to the magma that has been broken into rocks larger than 64mm by volcanic eruption.Asthe magma is solid when it exits the craterthen undergoes fragmentation, most of its particles are breccia-like.The volcanic brecciapyroclastic rocks of Chiyu are distributed on the bottom layer of Chiyuthe surrounding marine erosion platforms, but due to seawater erosion, the weathering is quite serious.Onthe west side of Chiyu, the marine erosion platform whose upper layer is covered with a thin layer of basalt has been slapped, eroded,cut by seawater for years. Due to the effect of differential erosion, the volcanic breccia layersare relatively softcan be emptied easily, forminga very peculiarlandscape of pedestal rocks. However, they werebrokencollapsed due to the hit of typhoons in recent years.It is indeed a pity. Thevolcanic breccia layer below Tiezhenyu in the North Sea of Penghu has long been eroded by waves, forming the largest marine erosion hole in Penghu. It is really a beautiful landscape. This specimen was collected from MaanshanIslet of Wang-an Township.